Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Think Outside the Box Office

It's fair to say that the hottest book in Documentary and Independent Filmmaking circles is currently Think Outside the Box Office: The Ultimate Guide to Film Distribution and Marketing for the Digital Era by Jon Reiss.

With everyone interested in how distribution models are changing––some would say collapsing, some would say evolving––it's a book that has come along at just the right time.

Wondering where you know that name from? Well, I used to show my students scenes from Better Living Through Circuitry, or you may have seen his more recent film Bomb It.

I don't own this one yet––where's the Kindle Edition?––but take a glance at the reviews on Amazon and you'll see it's highly recommended. If it suits your goals for filmmaking, buy it.


  1. Sheri C8:59 AM

    Thanks Ted for the mention of Think Outside the Box Office. If your readers want to buy it with the accompanying free goodies plus free chapter updates as they are available, check out the book's website When read, please consider leaving a comment on the Amazon site though.

    An accompanying tools site is coming soon. Jon will be speaking at the Filmmaker Summit at Slamdance this year and the site should be up then. It can be found at

    A great book review just came out as well. You can read it here

  2. Thanks!

    After I posted this several of my friends said "Oh, I'm reading it right now."



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