Saturday, January 02, 2010

The Film Editing Room Handbook

One of the bigger trends in filmmaking this decade has been the increasing importance of the Assistant Editor. As the lead person on project organization and -- increasingly -- visual effects, it's a role that combines great editing skills with many other talents.

I often encourage my students to aim for that role first, as it can be a more direct route into television or film (if that's the goal) than simply cutting. You won't find any want ads looking for "Editor, $200 million feature film, at least six weeks experience." You will, however, have a reasonable chance of getting a foot in the door if you are strongly prepared and able to provide both editing skills and the type of support a project will need.

Just in time for a new term for film students, a new edition of Norman Hollyn's book has arrived. It's focused exactly on the skills an Assistant Editor needs.

There's also a Kindle version, ready for instant download. I'll be adding it to my iPhone in a few weeks, when I start commuting again by train. Perfect subway reading, don't you think?

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